不知道大家有沒有聽過 或玩過一個叫作"TAGGED"的交友網站???
我忘了是怎麼接觸到的了 不過 從一開始的只有外國語言
到現在中文都出現了 我想 上這個網站的 應該越來越多了
上面有一些活動 還滿奇妙的 好像可以靠這賺錢的樣子
登入會有金幣 也可以買人當寵物 你的價值會提升
也可以在照片上留下評論 寄信 或是快速瀏覽別人的檔案
看你對他有沒有興趣 可以加好友 也可以表示你對他有沒有興趣
如果互有興趣 就是MATCH啦 再看彼此有沒有進一步的交談這樣 妙吧!
之前有跟英國人通過信 但是覺得太瞎 通沒幾通 就會叫你My little princess
然後就會留下電話 或想要視訊 所以就沒再回信了
今天更瞎了 我收到了一封這樣的留言:
Good tidings to you today , my name is Micheal Brown husband to the late glamour model Emily Brown,living in London United Kingdom. I am writting you because of my rugent state and condition and after reading through your profile i figured that you will be in the right position to help me as you have the beauty and figure i have ever wanted in a woman. My wife died shortly after she gave birth to our one and only son campbell who is now 11months old while on the sick bed befoe her by cancer , she instructed the family lawyer in charge of her wealth and fund close to [950 thousand British pounds] that i must get married to a good woman who must love our son and must have worked as a nanny in the house caring for the child for at least 2 years. This baffles me and i have tried getting women here but they all couldnt just dance to the tune so i decided to find some one from outside the United Kingdom for the job. here is what the job entails . I am paying you from my purse 2500 pounds monthly plus a weekly allowance of 200 pounds you are only coming into the United Kingdom as a worker in my house but my aim is to find love from you and get married to you this is why i have taken my time to find a pretty woman like you. After the end of 2 years when the lawyer gives me access to the fund 950,000 pounds i am giving you 40 percent of the whole money which is [380,000 pounds] while you decide if you will marry me or not its your choice. all this agreement will be backed by the lawyer with documents which you will sign for your safety and assurance if you are interested just send your application to my email address michealbrownnyyy@XXXXX.com or call +447035962XXX as soon as i hear from you i will send you more pics of me and direct you to my lawyers website for needed details . Thank you
寫得落落長 我實在懶的分段了...
反正就是說 嫁給他 照顧他兒子 兩年 就有很多錢可以領
各位看官 這是不是比MSN上亂加好友 要跟你視訊賺你錢的 還要瞎很多?!
- Apr 29 Thu 2010 15:29
瞎! 也有這種MAIL?!